
Advanced Watering Techniques for Savvy Gardeners | Vego Garden
Advanced Watering Techniques for Savvy Gardeners
Any experienced gardener will tell you, proper watering is the key to a lush and thriving garden.
2 min read
First Frost | Vego Garden
Simple Ways To Get Ready For The First Frost Of The Winter
By the time the initial frost sets in, you should have already harvested all your fall crops and planned your winter garden.
4 min read
Ways to Protect Plants from Freezing Temperatures
Ways to Protect Plants from Freezing Temperatures
Recognizing the distinctions between light frost, first frost, cold weather, and last frost dates is crucial for adequately protecting your garden and planning ahead.
4 min read
A Sustainable Approach to Cultivating the Earth
A Sustainable Approach to Cultivating the Earth
In the quest for sustainable and environmentally conscious agricultural practices, no-till gardening has emerged as a compelling method that challenges conventional tillage. No-till gardening involves cultivating crops without disturbing the soil through plowing or other mechanical means. Instead of overturning...
3 min read
Dirt Therapy
Dirt Therapy
“Gardening is cheaper than therapy!” I have read that on many memes and funny graphics depicting women harvesting tomatoes with their hair in total disarray, chaos, and dirt-covered children all around them. I am sure that to a degree that...
4 min read
16 Time-Saving Tips for Organic Gardeners  Using Raised Beds
16 Time-Saving Tips for Organic Gardeners Using Raised Beds
We all want the lush garden, the fruitful harvests, and the breathtaking views, but not the hard work. We can definitely  say "pass" to the hard work.How about we show you some time-saving tips to help you run a practical...
5 min read
Start your Hugelkultur Garden: Beginner’s Guide
Start your Hugelkultur Garden: Beginner’s Guide
Have you ever dreamed of having a lush garden that practically takes care of itself? Then let me introduce you to the magical world of Hugelkultur – a gardening method so simple that even an inexperienced gardener can succeed with...
4 min read
Enhancing Your Backyard Flock and Garden: The Benefits of Growing Herbs for Your Feathered Friends
Enhancing Your Backyard Flock and Garden: The Benefits of Growing Herbs for Your Feathered Friends
Raising a backyard flock and having a garden go hand in hand so wonderfully! From compost to tilling to bug control, your feathered friends can be really great helpers in the garden! Why not add some herbs to your garden...
3 min read
Easy Ways To Keep My Garden Alive  While I'm Away On Holiday
Easy Ways To Keep My Garden Alive While I'm Away On Holiday
Heading on vacation is enjoyable, but the shift into vacation mode can occupy so much mental space that various responsibilities may slip through the cracks. One of these overlooked tasks could be the maintenance of our gardens. It's not uncommon...
3 min read
How To Safely Get Rid Of Wasps In Your Garden
How To Safely Get Rid Of Wasps In Your Garden
As the warm weather of early spring and late summer rolls around, so do the unwelcome guests in your garden: wasps. These buzzing insects, including yellow jackets, paper wasps, and bald-faced hornets, can be quite a nuisance and even pose...
4 min read

About Vego

At Vego Garden, our goal is to redefine Raised Garden Beds. The company was founded with the goal of launching a modular metal garden bed system with a 20+ year life expectancy, utilizing eco-friendly metal materials instead of cutting down trees. We emphasize innovative design and high quality with our products. The name vego carries the spirit of DIY modular raised beds suitable for growing vegetables.


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