Christina Fernandez

About Christina Fernandez

My name is Christina Fernandez. I grew up gardening with my parents and grandparents, and learned how to make salsa, pickles and a few frozen, ready-to-fry vegetables. I came back to gardening in 2020 when I was frustrated with the lack of options at the grocery store. I developed an intolerance to gluten, so growing my own food and preserving it in a way that didn't have weird ingredients became really important to me. My corporate job is as a business intelligence analyst, but I dream of one day owning a small farm with some chickens and a BIG garden! I have a wonderful husband who believes deeply in me and lets me turn our backyard into a food oasis, and three wonderfully wild and brilliant children. I can be found on Instagram, Facebook and Youtube as Little Salty Homesteader.

Latest from Christina Fernandez

Gardening Tips for Gardeners with Chronic Pain
Gardening Tips for Gardeners with Chronic Pain
Gardening is an excellent way to enjoy the sunshine, unwind after a stressful day, and grow beautiful flowers and delicious food. However, it can be less enjoyable if you suffer from chronic pain.
4 min read
Tips for Growing a Biodiverse Garden | Vego Garden
Tips for Growing a Biodiverse Garden
A garden full of biodiversity is teeming with life – plants, animals, and insects, but planting a garden to be a biodiverse space does not need to be complicated.
5 min read
A Case for Raised Bed Gardening
A Case for Raised Bed Gardening
To garden in raised beds, or not to garden in raised beds? Raised bed gardening will always remain my favorite method, and these are the reasons why. 
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Soil preparation | Vego Garden
Winter Garden Activities - Keep Busy Until Spring
The first task that you can do in winter is to create your spring garden plan. Planning often means perusing seed catalogs to find new and interesting varieties to grow, creating a garden map, and creating a planting schedule. 
4 min read
Dirt Therapy
Dirt Therapy
“Gardening is cheaper than therapy!” I have read that on many memes and funny graphics depicting women harvesting tomatoes with their hair in total disarray, chaos, and dirt-covered children all around them. I am sure that to a degree that...
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Planning the Fall Garden
Planning the Fall Garden
There is something majestic about the fall garden. The mornings become crisp, and you are no longer weighed down by the thick, heavy air when you go out for a quick harvest. Fall air has the perfect smell of browning...
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A Quest to Grow Okra
A Quest to Grow Okra
As a child, I hated everything about okra. The taste and texture were just not for me. I hated how gooey and sticky it was, and to me, that did not seem like what a vegetable should be. Once I...
4 min read
Christina Fernandez

About Christina Fernandez

My name is Christina Fernandez. I grew up gardening with my parents and grandparents, and learned how to make salsa, pickles and a few frozen, ready-to-fry vegetables. I came back to gardening in 2020 when I was frustrated with the lack of options at the grocery store. I developed an intolerance to gluten, so growing my own food and preserving it in a way that didn't have weird ingredients became really important to me. My corporate job is as a business intelligence analyst, but I dream of one day owning a small farm with some chickens and a BIG garden! I have a wonderful husband who believes deeply in me and lets me turn our backyard into a food oasis, and three wonderfully wild and brilliant children. I can be found on Instagram, Facebook and Youtube as Little Salty Homesteader.