12 Gardening Resolutions to Stick To in 2023

Vego Garden
Vego Garden

Gardening resolutions, like those for many other New Year's resolutions, are a lot easier to make than they are to stick with. After all, what's more fun than dreaming about the great garden you're going to have this year? But unless you follow through with your plans and actually get out there and do it, your dreams will never come true. Here are 10 gardening resolutions that we hope will help you achieve the garden of your dreams in 2023!

1. Grow vertically.

Give your garden a new look with our Arched Trellis and Wall Trellis! Fruits, vegetables, and fresh herbs grown vertically are often healthier and highly productive. Trellises expand your garden space and makes gardening even more successful.

2. Go organic!

You may have heard people say that they’re going to “go organic” in the new year. That sounds like a good idea, but there are many different ways of being organic. Some people choose to only buy foods that have been certified organic by a third party, while others strive for more strict standards such as not using any pesticides or plant-based chemicals in their gardens at all. Still others try to be as natural as possible, taking advantage of natural fertilizers like compost and worm castings instead of chemical fertilizers purchased from stores and garden centers.

12 Gardening Resolutions to Stick To in 2023

3. Get your kids into gardening!

As a family with young children, we want to encourage them to spend more time in the garden and learn more about nature. This is how we came up with the idea of the Kids First Garden Bed. The kids garden bed measures 17" tall, 2 ft. x 3.5 ft. Despite its name, this kid’s garden bed can actually grow a lot of vegetables. You can easily fit 6 tomato plants in the summer, or 16 carrot plants in the fall. You can also use it as an Herb Garden to grow mint, basil and rosemary!

17" Tall Kids First Garden Bed 42" x 24"


As a family with young children, we want to encourage them to spend more time in the garden and learn more about nature. This is how we came up with the idea of the Kids First Garden Bed. The kids garden bed measures 17" tall, 2 ft. x 3.5 ft.   Despite its name, this kid’s garden bed can actually grow a lot of vegetables. You can easily fit 6 tomato plants in the summer, or 16 carrot plants in the fall. You can also use it as an Herb Garden to grow mint, basil and rosemary!…

17" Tall Kids First Garden Bed 42" x 24"

4. Make more of your garden edible.

If you're new to gardening, or have been wanting to get into it but haven't had the time or resources, this is a great project for you. Start by making sure that your yard is safe for kids and pets, and then start filling it with plants that will help attract pollinators, beneficial insects, and birds! You can also use your harvests in the kitchen—we recommend using them as garnishes or in salads. Even if you don't have much space outside, try growing some greens inside on a windowsill; they'll add color and variety to any meal!

12 Gardening Resolutions to Stick To in 2023

5. Try vermicomposting.

Vermicomposting makes sustainable and efficient gardening a breeze by turning your organic waste into rich, nutrient-dense garden bed material. Simply dig a hole in the ground of your garden bed, bury a worm composting bin (we even have an excellent option for you!), fill with organic waste and worms, and let nature do the work. It's that simple!

The best part about worm composting? You'll have tons of rich soil for your plants when it's time for planting season! If you're looking for an easy way to add organic matter to your soil and make it more nutrient-rich, vermicomposting is the way to go. Plus, you can even do it with the kitchen scraps from your household!

6. Try companion planting.

Companion planting is a great way to maximize your garden space, and it's also an easy way to help plants grow. By choosing plants that grow well together, you can save yourself time, energy and money.

For example, squash and corn are both heavy feeders. They love nitrogen-rich soil! So if you plant them together, they'll have access to more nutrients than they would if they were planted separately—and your harvest will be bigger too!

7. Practice succession planting.

Succession planting is a great way to get more benefits from your garden. It's also a great way to use up some of that produce that you've been storing in your freezer!

Succession planting involves planting the same crop, but in stages. For example, you could plant lettuce seeds and remove them after they have grown into full-sized plants (so they won't go to waste). Or you could plant carrots and remove them after one month (so they don't take over your entire garden).

8. Garden on your patio or balcony!

This 2ft by 2ft rounded square rolling planter might be small, but it’s mighty! Perfect for your patio, and easy to roll inside during frosty seasons, our rolling planters feature heavy duty locking wheels, super sturdy frames, and wicking cells for easy watering. Some might say they’re overbuilt, but we prefer to think of them as built to last a lifetime.

Self-Watering Rolling Planter


Description: This 2ft by 2ft rounded square rolling planter might be small, but it’s mighty! Perfect for your patio, and easy to roll inside during frosty seasons, our rolling planters feature heavy duty locking wheels, super sturdy frames, and wicking cells for easy watering. Some might say they’re overbuilt, but we prefer to think of them as built to last a lifetime.  …

Vego Garden Rolling Planter Garden Bed | Pearl White

9. Plant native species.

Planting native species is a way to add beauty and bring back the natural history of your garden, all while adding an important role in pollinator conservation. Native plants are naturally adapted to local conditions, so they're less likely to require watering or fertilization than non-native plants. Plus, many native plants can be purchased for less money than their exotic counterparts—and some species may even survive on rainfall alone!

If you have time before spring arrives (or if you live somewhere where winter never ends), consider starting seeds indoors now so that they'll be ready by March or April when temperatures start warming up again. You'll need a bright spot that gets at least eight hours of sunlight every day; this could be as simple as placing seed pots on top of a sunny windowsill or building some kind of makeshift greenhouse out of translucent plastic sheets or cardboard boxes with holes cut into them for ventilation (you'll want plenty of holes).

10. Grow flowers for butterflies and bees.

Most gardeners know that bees and butterflies are important to a healthy ecosystem. Butterflies need nectar from flowers, and bees use pollen from the flowers to feed their young or store for later use. Butterflies and bees need flowers to survive, but many gardeners don't think about planting them. If you're looking for a way to help pollinators in your neighborhood, there are several options available. You can plant native plants that attract butterflies and bees, or you can grow flowers specifically for these insects.

12 Gardening Resolutions to Stick To in 2023

11. Give your body a break.

Gardeners will know that gardening is taxing on your body. Bending over all day is physically challenging, but don't worry, our 32" Tall Garden Beds are here to save your back!

Our extra tall 32" height eliminates bending and strain on your back when you tend to your garden, as well as creates plenty of space for healthy roots.

32" Extra Tall 9 In 1 Large Modular Metal Raised Garden Bed Kit


Our extra tall 32" height eliminates bending and strain on your back when you tend to your garden, as well as creates plenty of space for healthy roots. …

Pearl White - 32" Extra Tall 9 In 1 Modular Metal Raised Garden Bed

12. Save time watering.

Save time watering with Vego Garden’s Tree Surround & Watering Ring Kit! Using a tree surround raises the plant, allowing you to easily control the soil that your tree will thrive in, as well as neatly contain mulch, and protect your tree from moisture loss, flooding, & damage from lawn equipment.

Paired with the heavy-duty 16 gallon slow release watering ring, your trees will be set to thrive for years to come! Vego’s tree watering bags are donut-shaped to easily fit around the trunk of your tree, and neatly into the Tree Surround. Placed under or over mulch, these UV-resistant watering bags provide slow-release irrigation to the roots of your tree, reducing shock and stress.

Stick to the resolutions you create for your garden.

One of the best ways to stick to your resolutions is to make a plan. Write down what you want to do in your garden and how much time you think it will take. Then, break your projects into smaller, more manageable pieces. For example, if you want to plant an entire border with flowers for bees and butterflies, start with one section of the border and work from there.

Don't give up, even if you make mistakes or things don't work out the way you'd hoped. You can adjust your goals after each planting season, but just keep trying. Learn from your mistakes so that next year is better than this one!

12 Gardening Resolutions to Stick To in 2023

Hopefully, these tips will help you make your gardening resolutions a reality. If you’re having trouble sticking to them, remember that the most important thing is to keep trying! With enough practice, we can all become gardeners (and good ones too).