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10 Trees You Shouldn’t Plant
10 Trees You Shouldn’t Plant
Not all plants embody life and resurrection. Some trees – stunted saplings and dense clusters of violent thorns – are downright unattractive. Others choose to strangle and usurp like the evil flowers they are; still, others fall prey to diseases...
4 min read
Top 10 Gardening Tips Every Gardener Should Know
Top 10 Gardening Tips Every Gardener Should Know
Gardening success requires skill and experience gained over time, and we can all use some help as we progress on our planting journey. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a novice, there are always new tricks to learn. In this...
3 min read
Marshmallow Root and the Making of Marshmallows
Marshmallow Root and the Making of Marshmallows
If a child had been told that marshmallows can soothe a sore throat, he’d probably have been elated. Alas, store bought marshmallows are mainly gelatin based and are useless in their purported cure. On the other hand, marshmallow root (Althaea...
4 min read
How to Get Rid of Weeds Naturally in the New Year
How to Get Rid of Weeds Naturally in the New Year
Weeds are pernicious, popping out of sidewalk cracks and holes in landscape fabric as an unsightly eyesore. Given their ability to spread like wildfire, it’s better to get a head start and begin your weeding early in the year. Before...
4 min read
Watering Wisdom: Irrigation Systems for Better Gardens
Watering Wisdom: Irrigation Systems for Better Gardens
From my experience as a gardener, I can tell you that watering is both an art and a science. The right balance of moisture is crucial for plant growth and to ensure your garden stays healthy. Having experimented with different...
3 min read
Effective Ways to Improve Greenhouse Ventilation From Affordable to Premium Solutions
Effective Ways to Improve Greenhouse Ventilation From Affordable to Premium Solutions
Proper ventilation is essential for a healthy greenhouse, yet it’s often overlooked or confused with humidity control. While the two are related, they are distinct issues that require different solutions.  In this blog, we’ll focus on effective ventilation strategies, from...
4 min read
11 Crops That Thrive in Shade and Need Minimal Sunlight for a Greenhouse
11 Crops That Thrive in Shade and Need Minimal Sunlight for a Greenhouse
Greenhouses don’t have to be all about full sunlight; they can also be great for growing plants that don’t require direct sunlight to thrive. In fact, some crops are perfect for shaded areas or low-light conditions, yet still need the...
4 min read
Growing Cucumbers in a Greenhouse: Tips and Tricks from an Advanced Gardener
Growing Cucumbers in a Greenhouse: Tips and Tricks from an Advanced Gardener
Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse is a whole different experience compared to planting them in a regular garden. In a greenhouse, the conditions are more predictable with consistent temperatures and higher humidity, which helps cucumbers grow faster and produce higher...
4 min read
16 Sunflower Varieties: Choosing the Right Seeds for Your Home Garden
16 Sunflower Varieties: Choosing the Right Seeds for Your Home Garden
When you think of sunflowers,you think of the iconic Helianthus annuus blooms with their tall plants with bright yellow petals but really there are more than 25 vairties of sunflowers out there, in all sorts of shapes and sizes, shapes,...
5 min read
12 Delicious Recipes Using Root Vegetables
12 Delicious Recipes Using Root Vegetables
Root vegetables have an unfortunate reputation of being displeasing, and in the event of the rutabaga, quite sorry looking. But despite their unpalatable exteriors, many root vegetables are more versatile than they are given credit for. They’re also sweetened by...
4 min read

About Vego

At Vego Garden, our goal is to redefine Raised Garden Beds. The company was founded with the goal of launching a modular metal garden bed system with a 20+ year life expectancy, utilizing eco-friendly metal materials instead of cutting down trees. We emphasize innovative design and high quality with our products. The name vego carries the spirit of DIY modular raised beds suitable for growing vegetables.


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