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Five Easy and Low-Maintenance Garden Plans for Beginners
Five Easy and Low-Maintenance Garden Plans for Beginners
Tending to a garden is a delightfully exciting endeavor for every new gardener. Whether you're a novice looking to dig your first flowerbed or you're just searching for ways to beautify your balcony, gardening can be incredibly rewarding. Not everyone...
4 min read
For Better Gardens and Happier Gardening, Beware of These 8 Social Media Trends
For Better Gardens and Happier Gardening, Beware of These 8 Social Media Trends
Social media is a highlight reel: The things you see don’t always represent the entire picture or, in some cases, reality at all.  So while you can get good, thorough online gardening advice from sources who actually specialize in it,...
4 min read
Edimentals : Ornamental and Edible
I was watching a gardening show and the designer said to the host that he was planning on using lots of “Edimentals.” The host of the show, who was not a gardener asked, “Did you just make up that word?”...
4 min read
Gardens of Tusla, Oklahoma
This past weekend, the yupneck and his lovely wife took a much-needed break.   We headed to Tulsa, Oklahoma for a little R&R.  If you have never been to Tulsa, you should make a goal to go.  I have been...
2 min read
Delicious Daikon
The other day I was at lunch in BCS (that is Bryan-College Station for all you non-Aggies out there) with several Masters of Horticulture.  We were talking about our gardens and I mentioned that my daikon were doing really well. ...
3 min read
How to Design a Tropical Garden in Your Backyard
Do you dream of retiring to the Bahamas, where pristine sand beaches and glittering turquoise oceans await? That’s a fine goal to have, but why not jumpstart your retirement efforts by transforming your backyard into a veritable tropical paradise?  In...
4 min read
Incorporating a Water Feature into Your Garden: Importance & Benefits
A well-designed garden can serve as a serene retreat, a vibrant gathering spot, and a sanctuary for wildlife. One element that can significantly enhance the beauty and tranquility of your garden is a water feature. Whether it’s a pond, fountain,...
4 min read
Vego Garden Seasonal Gardening
Seasonal Gardening: What to Plant Each Season
Gardening is a rewarding hobby that can provide fresh produce and beautiful flowers year-round. Understanding what to plant in each season is crucial for maximizing the productivity and health of your garden. Each season offers unique opportunities and challenges, and...
3 min read
Identifying & Controlling Garden Pests
No More Free Lunches Rid your garden of pesky insects that beat you to your produce   Ever walked through your vegetable garden and noticed little bite marks or discoloration on the leaves of your plants? Chances are, you’ve seen these,...
4 min read
Organic Pest Control: Kinder and Gentler for Mother Nature
Organic Pest Control: Kinder and Gentler for Mother Nature
In nature, the insects we consider garden pests are part of the total scheme of things. When you’ve invested time, effort, and cash into cultivating rows and rows of flowers, fruits, or vegetables, though, it’s difficult to see your hard...
4 min read

About Vego

At Vego Garden, our goal is to redefine Raised Garden Beds. The company was founded with the goal of launching a modular metal garden bed system with a 20+ year life expectancy, utilizing eco-friendly metal materials instead of cutting down trees. We emphasize innovative design and high quality with our products. The name vego carries the spirit of DIY modular raised beds suitable for growing vegetables.


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