The Secret to Growing Squash

Vego Garden
Vego Garden

Have you ever grown squash in your own garden? Squash is easy to grow, and there are so many different kinds to choose from. If you follow these tips and tricks for growing squash at home (and getting rid of the pests they may attract), you'll be able to enjoy delicious homegrown squash this fall!

The Secret to Growing Squash

Getting started with growing squash

Growing squash is one of the easiest things to do in your garden. Squash is a warm-weather crop, so it won’t grow well in cool temperatures. Planting squash is also very easy because they don’t take up a lot of space or need much care once they are established. If you have never grown any type of vegetable before and want to start with something simple, then growing squash could be perfect for you!

Squash plants are great choices for raised garden beds because they don't require much space and will produce fruit over several months if cared for properly. They also work well in fall gardens since there are some varieties that can survive our cooler winters better than others.

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Start with good seeds

Before starting, make sure to buy your seeds from a reputable source. Check the seed packet for the variety you want and make sure it has not expired. Plant each seed deep enough that its stem is covered, but keep in mind that this could mean planting them up to 1/2 inch below the surface of your soil if you're using potting mix rather than garden soil.

The Secret to Growing Squash

Hot weather helps squash grow healthily and quickly

Squash grows best in warm weather. If you want to grow a lot of squash quickly, look for hot and dry conditions. Squash is a warm weather crop that needs lots of sun to thrive, needing at least eight hours of sunlight each day (though it will grow faster if you can give it more).

Water your squash in the morning 

Watering in the morning is best because it gives a plant time to dry out before nighttime temperatures drop. If you water at night, you run the risk of moisture staying on the leaves and increasing their susceptibility to disease.

The best way to water squash is in the morning, so the plants have time to dry out before night. Watering at night can cause root rot and other problems. If you do need to water at night, make sure that you don't soak the soil—just give it a good soaking until it drains from the bottom of your pot or garden bed.

The Secret to Growing Squash

Be cautious of squash bugs and vine borers!

Squash bugs are small, green and brown bugs with black spots. They feed on the stems of your plants, leaving behind small holes that look like pockmarks. You'll know if you have squash bugs because you'll notice yellow spots on the leaves, holes in the leaves and wilting vines.

The Secret to Growing Squash

Vine borers are caterpillars that burrow inside your vines, making them brittle and susceptible to breaking under the weight of heavy squash fruits. You'll find them on the underside of leaves and stems as they eat their way through the veins and soft tissue in your squash plant.

Both pests can be handpicked off your plant but will continue to return unless you take action to kill them for good. The best way to get rid of squash bugs is by spraying neem oil at night when they're most active (this time is called "night crawler"). Vine borers can also be killed by spraying neem oil directly onto their tunnels as well as any nearby leaves or stems where they were previously feeding.

To keep these bugs from coming back next year, clean up any old squash plants after harvest and cover your garden beds with mulch over the winter.

The Secret to Growing Squash

If you're new to growing squash, don't be intimidated. It's a great vegetable for beginners because it grows quickly and is easy to care for. Just make sure you follow these tips, and soon enough you'll have an abundant crop of delicious summer squash!