Vego Garden DIY Ideas

Vego Garden
Vego Garden

Raised garden bed ideas

Thanks to the modular design of Vego Garden raised garden beds, the possible configurations are not just limited to 6, 9 or 10 as listed in the manual. With your imagination, there are countless raised garden bed ideas to make your garden a unique place. The modular design will allow your DIY garden box ideas to take flight with minimal effort. Vego Garden offers DIY Raised Garden Bed Panels (which include hardware and edging) for purchase, and you can also purchase multiple kits to build as many  different shapes as you like. Below are several ways you can repurpose your garden bed kit pieces to obtain your desired shape and results. You can extend both the length and width of the garden beds. If you want a smaller option, you can build a pair of 2 x 5 ft garden beds from a standard 9-1 kit and four additional corner panels. If you want to extend a kit into a bigger bed, you can purchase 2ft. extension kits.

Vego Garden DIY Ideas
Vego Garden DIY Ideas
Vego Garden DIY Ideas
Below is is an testimonial from a customer:

"As a contractor, I am fully capable of building raised beds from wood or corrugated metal available from lumber stores. But after reviewing the Vego planters, I quickly realized that I could not build planters from scratch nearly as cheaply or quickly as buying the Vego planters. They were easy to assemble and put in place. We installed five planters and had them irrigated and ready to go in one day. I would highly recommend that anyone skip trying to make planters from scratch, you will save time and money with Vego."

- Ken Snyder


Whether you are experienced in construction and building or possess no prior experience, our garden bed products provide a cost-efficient and simple solution for your gardening needs.

Here are some steps to follow for your DIY garden bed. 

1. Choose Your Location

The spot you chose should receive at least 6 hours of sunlight during the day. Also, make sure you have adequate space to tend to your garden from all sides of the raised bed.

2. Measure Your Location

It is important to measure the location to ensure that you have enough space. It helps if you draw out your plan beforehand on paper. This step is even more critical if you want to make multiple raised beds. You may want to mark your garden bed with string or paint to use as a visual guide.

3. Prepare Your Space

This can include clearing the area of debris, other plants, or sod where you want to put the garden beds.

4. Build It

Follow the included instructions to create a raised garden bed that will last for many years to come. Once complete, fill the bed with the soil of your choosing.

5. Plant Your Garden

Now that you have set up your bed, start choosing the plants you want to grow. This is a fun and rewarding experience we recommend to everyone!

Raised Flower Bed Ideas

Vego Garden DIY Ideas


While fruits and vegetables are often the focus of raised garden beds, flowers and herbs are also welcome companions. As shown in the extra-tall 32″ 9 in 1 modular garden bed kit, you can easily create a colorful living bouquet full of beautifully arranged flowers. Raised garden beds provide easy maintenance for flowers as you will not need to bend down to tend to them. Our beds provide a graceful platform for displaying your flowers that bring a clean, modern aesthetic to your garden. 

Beyond just looking beautiful, raised flower beds also help by attracting pollinators like butterflies and bees, and protect your crops from garden pests. You can plant a large variety of flowers, including roses, sunflowers, and tulips, but make sure to read the requirements of each plant so that you are not overcrowding them. It is also important to consider color combinations if you want to achieve a stylish and harmonious look in your garden.

Tulips, which come in over 3,000 registered varieties, are a popular flower to plant. Consider planting tulips after you harvest your vegetables in the fall. A 3.5 x 8 ft bed can easily accommodate 100 tulips. You can alternate between vegetables and flowers based on your preference. It is safe to plant vegetables after you remove the tulip bulbs from the soil.

Raised Vegetable Bed Ideas

Vego Garden DIY Ideas

Most of our customers chose to grow vegetables in our garden beds. A vegetable garden is eco-friendly as well as cost efficient. Unlike traditional gardens, you do not have to endure the tedious process of bending down to water and pull out weeds. You can easily realize your vegetable garden ideas by planting a flourishing mini-farm with vegetables that you frequently use in your cooking. Our beds are tall enough to accommodate most vegetables, including those with deep root systems. In addition, our rounded corners soften the harsh look of corrugated metal as well as provide comfortable, safe harvesting.

Round Metal Raised Beds

Vego Garden DIY Ideas


Circular garden beds can introduce an interesting visual element to an otherwise plain garden. Vego Garden offers 42” circular raised beds in 17" and 32" tall designs. These metal planters add elegance to your garden and can help you make use of a small space. The spacious depth of our circular garden beds ensures that you can plant flowers as well as vegetables such as tomatoes.

Unique Geometric Designs

As shown in the picture, you can create unique layouts and configurations within the space you have at your disposal. You can extend your 9-1 garden kit (2 x 8 ft) by adding 4 extra 1.5 ft straight panels (2 on each side) and 1 extra 2 ft bracing rod. While in-ground gardens in small spaces may feel cluttered and messy, raised garden beds give your garden a contemporary, thought-out look.


Vego Garden DIY Ideas


You do not need a large space or even a lot with plentiful soil. Raised garden beds can be placed virtually anywhere, even on asphalt, the driveway or the patio. Using the ingenuity of raised garden beds, you can easily convert a vacant patch of land into a green space that is environmentally conscious and aesthetically pleasing. We recommend a rectangular or square layout to create a uniform look. You can use raised garden beds to help redefine your outdoor dining area. They will help liven up your outdoor living space and add a natural component to the landscape.

Add Creativity To Garden Beds

You can be creative and customize your DIY garden beds according to your ideas and personal style. You can incorporate vertical gardening by adding a garden arch trellis. A framed trellis can be great for growing beans, tomatoes, peas, or other climbing plants.


Vego Garden DIY Ideas


You can also add useful decorations such as solar lights, as demonstrated by this  customer, to create a magical, enchanting landscape. It can be a marvelous and exciting experience as you realize your dream garden can easily be made into reality. For more diy garden ideas and inspiration, you can search Pinterest or take a look at our design gallery.

Hugelkultur Raised Garden Bed

Hugelkultur is a method of creating mounds of rotting wood and organic material to create an ideal environment for your crops. You can use the Hugelkultur method to fill your garden bed and save on soil. It is a cost-efficient way to save money by reusing old logs and twigs laying around on your property, as well as allowing the beds to retain moisture and store nutrients, which leads to healthier plants. Read more about this method here.

Raised Garden Beds For School And Community Garden

Consider investing in a raised garden bed system for school gardening programs or the local community garden. Although the initial investment may be more costly, this system will pay for itself over time, and the benefits to your plants vastly outweigh the initial costs. Raised garden beds are easier to maintain and do not suffer from the drawbacks of traditional garden plots like  subpar soil and the proliferation of weeds. Through gardening, students can learn important values such as self-reliance, hard work, and a love of nature. They also provide a more permanent presence that encourages participants to view the garden as a valuable resource and contribute to its upkeep. We recommend the kids series as an affordable alternative for smaller spaces.


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