Vego Garden Furthers Its Commitment to Community Empowerment

Vego Garden
Vego Garden

As the leader of gardening innovation, Vego Garden continues to advocate the therapeutic power of gardening for individuals and communities in need. With this principle in mind, we are committed to serve the interests of local communities with our Giving Back Program

Through this program, we continue to support meaningful efforts of various well-known local partners, offering garden bed donations and discounts to numerous social organizations that serve disadvantaged groups. In the month of August alone, Vego Garden once again achieved significant progress with donations made to 11 organizations, including notable partnerships with schools; charitable organizations; NGOs; churches; and hospitals. Currently, the Giving Back Program has partnered and donated to a total of 31 renowned local organizations, and in particular to 10 school programs since May. 

Vego Garden Furthers Its Commitment to Community EmpowermentPhoto from Community Action of Orleans and Genesee

New Projects Coming to Fruition 

Continuing to gain traction from a solid track record in the past few months, the program has once again realized significant partnerships with distinguished organizations, including well-known schools and academic groups. 

One of the key partners of Vego Garden’s Giving Back Program is the Community Action of Orleans and Genesee. Founded in 1965, the renowned local agency has since assisted 3134 disadvantaged citizens in Orleans County, serving 1077 low-income individuals via their food pantries and 6335 prepared meals at their Holley Community Center. 

Vego Garden Furthers Its Commitment to Community Empowerment

Photo from Community Action of Orleans and Genesee

Via the program, Vego Garden donated three raised garden beds that were assembled and planted in the Holley Community Center backyard in May with the help of volunteers and staff. In early August, the agency sent photos of volunteers caring for vegetables and planting harvests, as a testament to the success of our continuing partnership. 

Vego Garden Furthers Its Commitment to Community Empowerment

Photo from Community Action of Orleans and Genesee

Lending Support for Gardening Education 

As the program continues to grow in influence with more notable partners, we have continued to receive applications from local organizations - and schools in particular are on an upward trend, with a total of 10 school programs that have benefitted from our donations since May. 

In an effort to offer more comprehensive educational experiences, Lake Hills Elementary School  partnered with us via the program to offer more resources for its students to connect with nature and the local community, with additional community citizenship and learning opportunities. 

Our Giving Back Program also lends support to science lessons at the Straley Elementary School  in West Virginia - on how to maintain plants, while growing fresh and healthy produce for families in need at the same time.

Donations and support via the program will also enhance the school’s capability to supplement nutritional needs for students from low socioeconomic backgrounds, with every student eligible to get free lunches based on demographics. 

Vego Garden also joined hands with the New Century School, which offers a science-based curriculum that aims to connect academic subjects with real-world applications. Students participate in year-round outdoor field trips to apply their knowledge firsthand. Through the support of our program, students will have more opportunities to understand the power of nature and its vibrant plantlife. 

Finally, garden bed donations were made to the Food Mill, a branch of UGROW, Inc based in Columbus, Georgia, and a food farmacy that connects citizens to locally-sourced food through farm to table meal distribution, through partnerships with food producers and companies. 

Its Farm to School Program will serve 8 schools in the county, offering students hands-on learning both in the classroom and the garden. In this joint effort, Vego Garden’s raised beds will be used at a school without an established garden space. Students will plant, care for and harvest produce through classes on nutrition and urban agriculture.

Vego Garden Furthers Its Commitment to Community Empowerment

Photo from Community Action of Orleans and Genesee


Commitment to Social Empowerment 

With the firm belief that gardening can bring about change and to heal - the Giving Back Program stands as our pledge to this conviction. Our program’s commitment to social responsibility through this principle has continued to empower local communities. 

As a part of our corporate identity, Vego Garden will continue to partner with influential non-profit organizations and other community groups, to bring about positive change through diverse social responsibility and charitable programs.