23 Mistakes Gardeners Make And How To Fix Them

Don't let one mistake spoil your season!

We've compiled a list of the most common mistakes gardeners make and their solutions to help you get ahead in gardening.

1. Overwatering

Mistake - Watering plants frequently leads to root rot, yellow leaves, and stunted growth.

Solution - Learn the specific water needs of your plants and water them only when the soil is dry to the touch. If you cannot tell when to water your plants, get a soil meter that can help you water. As a rule of thumb, water thoroughly and less frequently than a little but often.


2. Underwatering

Mistake - Not providing enough water to plants, causing them to wither and die.

Solution - Regularly check the soil moisture and water plants when needed, ensuring deep watering for strong root development.

3. Water at the wrong time

Mistake - Water garden beds at any time of the day.

Solution - Water your garden beds in the mornings or late evenings but not at night or during the hottest part of the day.


4. Choose random crops

Mistake - Don't choose crops that you won't eat, that are not native to your region, or that are far above your gardening skills.

Solution - The best thing to do is to pick crops that your skills can handle and that you will enjoy eating.


5. Planting too close together

Mistake - Overcrowding plants leads to poor growth and increased disease susceptibility.

Solution - Follow spacing recommendations on seed packets or plant labels to give each plant enough space to grow.

6. Ignoring plant needs

Mistake - Not considering sunlight, soil type, and climate needs of plants before planting.

Solution - Read and understand the specific requirements of each plant and choose suitable locations for them. Most plants require adequate sunlight to grow, so choose a location in your garden that receives at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily. Be mindful of potential shade from buildings, trees, or other structures.

7. Using the wrong tools

Mistake - Using improper or low-quality gardening tools, making tasks more challenging.

Solution - Invest in essential gardening tools like a sturdy gardening bag, shovel, hand trowel, pruners, gloves, and a good knife like the 10-in-1 Hori Hori Knife  from Vego Garden.

8. Skipping the planning phase

Mistake - Not planning the garden layout and plant selection, leading to frustration and disappointment.

Solution - Consider factors like space, sunlight, plant compatibility, and seasonal changes when planning your garden.

9. Planting at the wrong time

Mistake - Planting at inappropriate times often results in poor growth.

Solution - Consult planting calendars or local gardening resources to determine the best planting times for each plant in your area.

10. Neglecting pest control

Mistake - Ignoring early signs of pests or diseases, leading to severe infestations.

Solution: Regularly inspect your plants and take appropriate action to address any pest or disease issues promptly. Identifying problems early allows for more effective and eco-friendly pest control methods. Encourage beneficial insects that prey on pests to help maintain a balanced ecosystem.

11. Overusing fertilizers or using the wrong type

Mistake - Applying too much fertilizer leads to nutrient imbalances and plant damage.

Solution - Follow the recommended application rates and use appropriate fertilizers based on your plants' needs.

12. Not paying attention to the weather

Mistake - Failing to protect plants from sudden weather changes, such as frost, heat waves, cold fronts, or downpours.

Solution - Stay informed about weather forecasts and take necessary precautions to protect your garden when needed.

13. Giving up too soon

Mistake - Feeling discouraged by initial setbacks and giving up on gardening.

Solution - Embrace gardening as a learning process, learn from your mistakes, and be patient with your progress. Don't hesitate to seek advice from experienced gardeners or join local gardening clubs or online communities to exchange tips and knowledge.

14. Neglecting to mulch

Mistake - Not applying mulch, leading to moisture loss, weed growth, and soil erosion.

Solution - Mulch retains moisture, suppresses weeds, and improves soil health. Much comes in the form of tree bark, wood chips, pine straw, grass clippings, leaves, newspaper, and manure.

15. Accessibility

Mistake - Starting a garden in an area that you have obstructed access to or is not ergonomically designed.

Solution - Metal-raised garden beds like the ones from Vego Garden are perfect for all types of gardeners, are ergonomic, and can adapt to all locations and spaces.

16. Location

Mistake - Setting up your garden in an area that gets little to no sun, too much wind or water.

Solution - Set up your garden in a place that gets constant sun and is easy to access. Learn the sun pattern where you want to plant your garden and remember that the sun's direction changes according to the seasons.

17. Far from a water source

Mistake - Planting a garden far away from a water source causes you to go through exhausting ways to irrigate your garden.

Solution - Buy tools, like expandable water hoses and an automatic retractor, so your hose gets put away immediately.

18. Not knowing your type of soil

Mistake - Planting things in your garden, assuming your soil will automatically accept the crops and yield results.

Solution - Good soil is the foundation of a healthy garden. Test your soil to determine its pH level and nutrient content. Amend the soil with compost or organic matter to improve its fertility and structure.

19. Start with complicated crops

Mistake - Choose random crops without researching whether they are native or need special care.

Solution - Begin with plants known for their resilience and native origins.

20. Ignoring your climate and zone

Mistake - Choosing plants that are not compatible with the climate in your region.

Solution - Understanding your local climate will help you choose the right plants that are suitable for your area and can thrive in the given conditions.

21. Forget to weed

Mistake - Letting all the weeds take over your garden bed.

Solution - Weeds can compete with your plants for nutrients and water, so staying on top of weed management is essential.

22. Feed your plants:

Mistake - Relaying on organic soil to be the only sustenance for your plants.

Solution - While fertile soil and compost can provide many nutrients, some plants may benefit from additional fertilizers. Use organic fertilizers and follow the instructions to avoid overfeeding, which can harm the plants.


23. Pruning and deadheading

Mistake - Let the crops flower and grow wild in your garden bed.

Solution - Proper pruning helps promote healthy growth and can improve flower production. Learn about the pruning requirements of your plants and deadheading (removing spent flowers).

Final thoughts

Gardening is a learning process, so be patient and observant. The best advice we can give you is to keep a gardening journal to track your progress, successes, and challenges and celebrate all the small victories!