7 Biggest Compost Myths

People often tout the amazing benefits of composting as if they've stumbled upon the holy grail of organic waste management.

However, alongside its popularity, a fair share of myths and misconceptions have taken root. In this blog, we'll delve into seven common compost myths, exploring why they became popular and uncovering the truth behind building a proper compost pile.

7 Biggest Compost Myths

Myth 1: Compost stinks

One of the most common misconceptions about composting is that it stinks! Many people avoid composting because they fear the foul odor that they believe will emanate from their compost pile or bin. This myth likely stems from the misconception that composting equals rotting garbage.

Truth: When done correctly, composting should not produce a strong odor. The unpleasant smell usually arises when the compost pile lacks proper aeration or contains too much moisture. Turning the compost regularly and maintaining the right balance of green (nitrogen-rich) and brown (carbon-rich) materials will help prevent odor buildup. Additionally, avoiding adding dairy products, meat, or pet waste can also mitigate any potential smells.

Myth 2: Composting takes a lot of time

Another deterrent to composting is thinking that it requires a significant time commitment. Many people assume that managing a compost pile is a full time job.

Truth: While composting does require some effort, it doesn't have to be time-consuming. With the right materials and techniques, composting can be a relatively low-maintenance activity. All you do is turn the pile once a week, add kitchen scraps as they accumulate, and maintain the proper moisture levels.

Myth 3: You need a lot of space to compost

The misconception that composting requires a large yard or outdoor area can deter people in apartment or urban areas, and that is not fair!

Truth: Composting can easily fit into small spaces like apartments or urban balconies. With compost bins and tumblers available in various sizes, they cater to different lifestyles. Indoor composting methods like worm bins or bokashi composting offer convenient alternatives for those with limited outdoor access.

The Vego Garden vermicompost bin is particularly impressive because it integrates directly into your garden bed. This setup allows all your kitchen scraps to go straight into the bed, where worms break down the food, enriching the soil with top-notch nutrients.

7 Biggest Compost Myths

Myth 4: Compost doesn't work in cold climates

Some people believe that composting is only feasible in warmer climates, where the sun's rays can accelerate the decomposition process.

Truth: While composting may slow down in colder temperatures, it is still possible to compost effectively in colder climates. Insulating the compost pile with materials like straw or leaves can help retain heat and keep the decomposition process active during colder months. Additionally, using a compost tumbler or enclosed composter can provide extra insulation and help maintain higher temperatures, even in chilly weather.

Myth 5: Compost attracts pests

The fear of attracting pests such as rodents, flies or spiders can deter people from composting, especially if they live in urban areas or have limited outdoor space.

Truth: While it's true that compost piles can attract pests if not managed properly, there are several ways to minimize the risk. One effective method is to avoid adding meat, dairy, or oily foods to the compost pile, as these can serve as a feast for larger animals. Additionally, keeping the compost pile covered or using enclosed compost bins can deter pests. Regularly turning the compost also helps maintain the right balance of materials, creating an environment that is less attractive to pests.

7 Biggest Compost Myths

Myth 6: You can compost biodegradable plastics at home

Many people believe that biodegradable plastics, such as compostable bags or utensils, can be added to the compost pile along with other organic materials.

Truth: While biodegradable plastics are designed to break down under certain conditions, they often require industrial composting facilities to decompose properly. In a home-composting environment, biodegradable plastics may not break down completely and can leave behind residue in the compost. It's best to avoid adding biodegradable plastics to your compost pile and opt for natural alternatives instead.

Myth 7: Composting requires specialized knowledge

Some people are intimidated by the perceived complexity of composting and believe that it requires specialized knowledge or skills.

Truth: Composting is a natural process that anyone can learn to do with a little bit of research and experimentation. While it helps to understand the basics of composting, such as the importance of green and brown materials and proper aeration, there's no need for advanced scientific knowledge. With some trial and error, anyone can become a successful composter and reap the benefits of nutrient-rich soil for their gardens.

Final thoughts

Composting isn't just about recycling organic waste from your home and reducing your carbon footprint; it's also a simple and rewarding practice that anyone can incorporate into their daily lives.

While there are many more myths surrounding composting, these are among the most popular ones. Honestly, the best approach to avoid falling prey to these myths is to take everything with a grain of salt and do some research into how factual they are before diving in completely.