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Top 10 Gardening Tips Every Gardener Should Know
Top 10 Gardening Tips Every Gardener Should Know
Gardening success requires skill and experience gained over time, and we can all use some help as we progress on our planting journey. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a novice, there are always new tricks to learn. In this...
3 min read
Greenhouse Gardening: The Joy of Year-Round Growth
Greenhouse Gardening: The Joy of Year-Round Growth
Fellow gardeners! Perhaps you always wanted to grow during the winter season or even throughout the year. Let's talk about extending that growing season – because who wants to be limited by climate conditions? If you’ve always wanted to have...
3 min read
Transitioning Seedlings: Hardening Off and Planting in Your Raised Bed
As spring arrives and gardening season kicks into gear, many gardeners eagerly start seeds indoors to get a head start on the growing season. However, before transplanting seedlings into the garden, it's essential to acclimate them to outdoor conditions through...
4 min read
Troubleshooting Seed Germination Issues
It can be so frustrating when you have started seeds and for some reason, a certain variety or type of seed just won’t germinate for you. However, some seeds are trickier than others to start, and even some of the...
5 min read
How To Save & Store Seeds
For some who garden, the magic of seed saving is every bit as fulfilling as seeing their plants thrive and enjoying their harvests.  Saving seeds — the practice of collecting and storing seeds from your garden to grow in future...
4 min read
Heritage Seeds and Hybrid Seeds: Understanding the Difference and Making the Right Choice | Vego Garden
Heritage Seeds and Hybrid Seeds: Understanding the Difference and Making the Right Choice
When browsing seed catalogs, you may have encountered certain terminology such as genetically modified, heirloom, and open-pollinated.
4 min read
Preparing for Spring Planting: Tips for Ordering and Organizing Seeds and Seedlings | Vego Garden
Preparing for Spring Planting: Tips for Ordering and Organizing Seeds and Seedlings
Seed storage is usually not the priority for many gardeners, who probably just have a large plastic bag filled with jumbled seed pouches.
3 min read
Cultivating harmony with companion planting | Vego Garden
Cultivating Harmony: The Benefits of Companion Planting
There is a hidden harmony in the world of plants that is the secret to gardening success. 
3 min read
Grow Your Own Transplants | Vego Garden
Grow Your Own Transplants
If you’ve never tried growing your own transplants, you are missing out on a wonderful part of gardening.
6 min read
The Role of Mycorrhizal Fungi in Enhancing Plant Health and Yield | Vego Garden
The Role of Mycorrhizal Fungi in Enhancing Plant Health and Yield
Few gardeners realize that they have a team of superheroes at their disposal. And just like any other self-respecting superheroes, they even have secret identities.
3 min read

About Vego

At Vego Garden, our goal is to redefine Raised Garden Beds. The company was founded with the goal of launching a modular metal garden bed system with a 20+ year life expectancy, utilizing eco-friendly metal materials instead of cutting down trees. We emphasize innovative design and high quality with our products. The name vego carries the spirit of DIY modular raised beds suitable for growing vegetables.


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